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  • Hopper Disassembler
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
Hopper Disassembler
  • Hopper Disassembler
  • The macOS and Linux Disassembler

  • 제조사 : CrypticApps Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : B491
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The macOS and Linux Disassembler

Hopper Disassembler, the reverse engineering tool that lets you disassemble, decompile and debug your applications

동일계열 제품

  • Hopper Disassembler

새 페이지 2


Hopper is perfectly adapted to the environment. The macOS version makes full use of the Cocoa framework, and the Linux version makes use of Qt 5.


Hopper analyzes function's prologues to extract procedural information such as basic blocks and local variables.


With the Hopper SDK, you'll be able to extend Hopper's features, and even write your own file format and CPU support.

Control Flow Graph

Once a procedure has been detected, Hopper displays a graphical representation of the control flow graph. You can even export a PDF.



Most of the Hopper features can be invoked from Python scripts, giving you the ability to transform a binary in any way you want.


Hopper can use LLDB or GDB, which lets you debug and analyze the binary in a dynamic way (Intel CPU only).


Even if Hopper can disassemble any kind of Intel executable, it does not forget its main platform. Hopper is specialized in retrieving Objective-C information in the files you analyze, like selectors, strings and messages sent.


Based on an advanced understanding of the executable Hopper can present a pseudo-code representation of the procedures found in an executable.



This new version of Hopper is able to decode the mangled Swift names. No more cryptic names!


Use tabs to create workspaces with different representations of the file.

Semantic Coloration

The analysis performed by Hopper separates code from data, memory accesses from stack variables… And to help you understand the various discovered objects, Hopper will use a different color to each of them.


Use the embedded type editor to create your own structures, unions, or enumerated types. It greatly helps the understanding of the code to use symbols, rather than raw numbers.

HopperDisassembler, CrypticApps
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