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DevExpress Reporting
  • DevExpress Reporting
  • Reporting for the .NET Framework

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Reporting for the .NET Framework

Become a Reporting Superhero
Inform and analyze with absolute ease.


Your Next Great Report Starts Here

Explore the integrated features that ship as part of DevExpress Reporting for .NET.


Deliver Data, Your Way

.NET Reporting that supports any data provider.

In today's world, supporting all major data providers, services, or APIs is not a luxury, it's a requirement. Reporting tools that place restrictions on data consumption will always impede organizational productivity. The only future-proof option is a data-agnostic report presentation layer, one that ensures that when a report is generated, it can be viewed on any device or form factor against any database or data source.

The DevExpress Reporting Subscription guarantees your ability to consume data from any source, via its support for Visual Studio .NET data objects and its ability to bind a report to XML data or any data object implementing the IList, IList <T> and IEnumerable<T> interfaces.


Deliver Flexibility Every Time

.NET Reporting that's built for you and your end-users.

The goal is simple: provide business users with the information required to monitor business outcomes and make intelligent, real-time decisions. While the goal may be simple, the reality is that most reports are rigid and don't allow users to efficiently explore information on their own terms. The evolving needs of the enterprise dictate that a reporting solution offer simple and straightforward end-user customization options so that report consumers can freely manipulate output to maximize clarity. Flexibility is key and ease-of-use paramount.

The dynamic DevExpress Report Subscription helps you overcome the limitations associated with traditional reporting solutions with a fully integrated set of productivity tools, report wizards, pre-built report templates and end-user report designers.


Deliver Fully Customizable Reports

End-User designers for WinForms, ASP.NET, WPF and Silverlight

Power users demand options and want control over the information they distribute within the enterprise. The need to meet these requirementscan be daunting, especially for reports. With its powerful report designers, DevExpress Reporting makes it easy to integrate runtime report customization in your next project. Whether you need a feature-rich Windows designer or prefer to use a 100% web-based tool, the suite includes everything you'll need to empower your users and reduce the number of reports you need to create within Visual Studio.


Get Started Today

And see why tens of thousands of developers worldwide choose DevExpress.


DxperienceReporting,DevExpressReporting, DeveloperExpress, 디벨로퍼익스프레스,Developer Express,DevExpress
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