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  • FumeFX
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
  • FumeFX
  • Sitni Sati is proud to announce the release of FumeFX, the first commercially available gaseous fluid dynamics simulator for 3ds Max.

  • 제조사 : Sitni Sati d.o.o. Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 7087
유사 기능 제품
3DS MAX 애드-인
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Sitni Sati is proud to announce the release of FumeFX, the first commercially available gaseous fluid dynamics simulator for 3ds Max.

FumeFX is a powerful fluid dynamics engine designed for the simulation and rendering of realistic fire, smoke, explosion, and other gaseous phenomena. It’s versatility, robustness, and intuitive workflow make it a perfect solution for even the most demanding tasks in the computer graphics industry.

동일계열 제품

  • FumeFX

Key Features

Production proven results demonstrate this technology's ability to achieve realistic smoke and fire effects for cutting-edge industry applications.
- FumeFX supplements the user's artistic vision with the power of real-world physics for the ultimate in both style and realism.
- A multitude of parameters and FumeFX helpers give users maximum control of the fluid's behavior and appearance.
- Easy to use, basic effects can be created with just a few clicks.
- Options include the use of powerful AFC and Gradient controls, which are unified through all Sitni Sati products.
- Plug-in design incorporates extensive support for Particle Flow and Thinking Particles.
- Dynamic simulations allow for bi-directional influence between FumeFX and particle systems.
- Advanced scripting is possible with almost every aspect of FumeFX, including access to all simulation data.
- FumeFX is capable of dynamic interaction with other scene objects.
- Availability of stand-alone rendering library for Windows and Linux, both 32 and 64 bit versions.


- Start simulations from scratch or by using other simulation results as starting point.
- Stop, pause and continue simulations at any point.
- Simulation is multithreaded ?user can select how many CPU뭩 to dedicate to simulation.
- Simulations beyond available memory can be swapped to disk.
- User can watch the simulation progress in the interactive Preview Window.
- Draft simulations can be created in mere minutes for fast previewing.
- User has control of which data will be written to output files for rendering and other uses.


- mental ray renderer support.
- The Preview Window gives users almost instant feedback on render settings.
- Fast self-shadowing is produced through an Illumination Map.
- A highly efficient Multiple Scattering model enhances light dispersion throughout fluid.
- Fluid Mapping integrates procedural map details with fluid motion.
- Plug-in design includes advanced Global Illumination casting support for finalRender.
- The dynamic FusionWorks atmospheric renderer provides:
- Proper blending of all Sitni Sati atmospherics (coming soon!)
- Balanced mixing of FumeFX and compatible atmospherics with 3ds Max Fog
- Ability to apply Image Motion Blur
- Option to affect Effect Channel
- Z depth

, SitniSatid.o.o.,Sitni Sati d.o.o.
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