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웹 구축 프로젝트 작업 분할 구조를 위한 소프트웨어

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  • WBStool


What is a WBS?

WBS is the achronim for Work Breakdown Structure and it is a structure that demonstrate all the project deliverables in a hierarchy form. Such structure is normally presented in the form of an organogram where the superior boxes represent the high level project deliverables (sometimes the project phases) while the lower level boxes represent the lower level deliverables or more detailed work packages.

A WBS is composed of all the results (which we call deliverables) that the project must produce. As a rule of thumb we understand that everything present in the WBS must be delivered by the project and what is not in the WBS will not be produced or delivered in the project.


How do I make a WBS?

A WBS starts with the root element (a box) representing the project as a whole.

Once the root element is defined, we can think about what major delivereables must be produced for the project to succeed and we create an element (or box) for each one of these major deliverables as a child of the root element. This represents that the project (the root element) is composed by the deliverables beneath it.

Then, we define the minor deliverables that must be produced in order to produce each major deliverable and so on. The minor deliverables (or more detailed ones) must be children of the major deliverables representing that the major deliverables are composed by the minor deliverables.

The WBS is considered finished when we look at it and see that all the project deliverables are there, which means, nothing is missing.

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