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  • DWG to DWF Converter
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DWG to DWF Converter
  • DWG to DWF Converter
  • DWG DWF Converter

  • 제조사 : AutoDWG software Brand Shop
  • 제품번호 : 4686
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DWG DWF Converter

AutoDWG DWG DWF Converter a batch converter converts DWG/DXF to DWF without need of AutoCAD. It supports AutoCAD version R9 to latest version AutoCAD 2010.

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동일계열 제품

Untitled Document

Features Highlight

  1. Convert DWG/DXF to DWF file directly, no AutoCAD needed;
  2. Support dwg file version from R9 to R2010;
  3. DWG to DWF conversion;
  4. DXF to DWF conversion;
  5. Command line supported (need version 1.1 or later);
  6. Supports three types dwf format
    a) ASCII;
    b) Binary;
    c) Compressed Binary.
    Different types, produce different file size, generally ASCII > Binary > Compressed Binary in file size.

DWG2DWF command line allows you to convert dwg to dwf in silent without interface. With command line you can:

  1. Convert a dwg file to a dwf file;
  2. Convert all dwg files in a folder (include subfolder or not) to dwf files.


g2f.exe [/F filename] [/O output filename, or folder] [/D Folder] [/S] [/B black/white] [/T A:B:C][ /?]

/F Input file name, eg. C:\test.dwg.
/O Output file name or folder, depend the parameter of /F and /D. if /F then /O specify output file name, otherwise folder.
/D Input folder.
/S Include subfolder, only available when /D specified.

Specify dwf file background, two color supports: black or white. If the parameter?is not?specified, the default value is black.


Specify DWF output format.
A - Ascii;
B - Binary;
C - Compressed Binary




DWGtoDWFConverter, AutoDWGsoftware,AutoDWG software
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