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  • RxAutoImage PRO
  • SNS공유 페이스북 트위터
RxAutoImage PRO
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RxAutoImage works directly inside AutoCAD

동일계열 제품



RxAutoImage works directly inside AutoCAD. It converts scanned drawings to vector information, and turns AutoCAD into a true CAD and GIS hybrid editor. Download free evaluation trial version.

RxAutoImage for AutoCAD is an ARX-application for AutoCAD. It combines the power of AutoCAD, intelligent raster editing technology, raster-to-vector and vector-to-raster conversions.

For AutoCAD users, RxAutoImage for AutoCAD offers support for corporate standards of scanned technical document processing, a well-known easy-to-use interface and a short period of training.
All versions of AutoCAD from 2002 - 2010 are supported, which?reduces the cost of implementation of hybrid (raster and vector) technology.

Raster Correction Tools

RxAutoImage for AutoCAD has a variety of tools for quality enhancement and correction of color, grayscale and monochrome raster images. There are several filters for color and monochrome images, color correction, deskewing, four-point calibration, correction of linear and non-linear image distortions using the calibration procedure, crop, image resolution modification, rotation, and image resizing.

Color Separation and Binarization of Color Images

Color and grayscale images can be converted to several monochrome layers, for editing or raster to vector conversion. The new version of RxAutoImage for AutoCAD has tools to create raster objects by rasterizing vector objects to color, grayscale and monochrome raster, and merge monochrome raster images with color ones.

Raster Object Selection and Editing

The enhanced technology of the Intelligent Object Selection allow the creation of selection sets by means of AutoCAD-like tools - by picking a point; inside rectangular or polygonal areas; by crossed rectangle or polygon, by crossed line, etc.
Object snapping for raster objects is available in RxAutoImage for AutoCAD. It has the same look and feel of the AutoCAD OSNAP command. The current active snapping method is displayed as a pop-up marker at the center of the AutoCAD crosshair cursor. It is possible to combine several raster object-snapping methods together.

RxAutoImage for AutoCAD searches for vector and raster symbols (predefined sets of raster or vector objects) and replaces them with other predefined raster or vector objects.

Raster-to-Vector Conversion

RxAutoImage for AutoCAD recognizes and converts to AutoCAD vector objects, raster lines, arcs, circles, polylines, symbols, text and hatches. Raster to vector conversion is possible using either tracing or automatic raster to vector conversion.

Tracing (Interactive Raster-to-Vector Conversion)

To convert a raster symbol, line, arc or circle to a vector object it is necessary to pick a point on the source raster object. There are several options for how to treat the source raster object - to delete or to keep it. To convert raster hatching to a vector object it has to be crossed by a selection line. Arbitrary curves are converted to AutoCAD polylines. A color and grayscale image has a reduced set of primitives to convert to vector. They are: polylines, lines, arcs and circles.

Many technical drawings contain conventional graphic symbols: maps, plans, electric circuits, hydraulic and processing schemes. The symbol recognition of RxAutoImage for AutoCAD is based on an expert system. It is possible to train the program to recognize any graphic symbols, make a selection by picking, search and replace, and convert raster symbols to vector blocks and symbols. Raster symbols may differ from the specified template by orientation and scale, and the program will automatically define the required parameters for inserting the vector block.

Automatic Raster-to-Vector Conversion (PRO version only)

When applying automatic vectorization, the user needs to set parameters and then start the procedure. It is the program that defines which raster lines can be presented as lines, arcs, and which of them are raster texts. RxAutoImage for AutoCAD can recognize not only graphic entities - lines, arcs, circles, but also texts, symbols, and hatches. Object properties such as width, line type, size arrows are also preserved. Automatic correction of vector drawings is provided: joining the ends of contour objects, line orthogonalization in a specified direction, rounding objects width to specified values. Users can choose to place objects with different widths onto different vector layers, and highlight them with color.

Text Recognition (PRO version only)

During automatic raster to vector conversion RxAutoImage for AutoCAD Pro locates raster texts and converts them to AutoCAD text entities. The user can choose the output text representation. It is possible to store the results as text or convert them to polylines or outlines. The user can train the OCR module to recognize raster texts of any type. After applying automatic vectorization, you can review and correct the obtained texts in an interactive mode.
As an optional extra, we can offer a professional multi-language OCR module to recognize text fragments and text documents.

? RxAutoImage
Raster editing
Deskewing, changing size and resampling, cropping, rotating Yes Yes Yes
Monochrome filters Yes Yes Yes
Color filters Yes Yes No
Autocorrecting images Yes Yes No
Rasterization of vector objects Yes Yes Mono
Editing raster using AutoCAD commands Yes Yes Yes
4-point correction Yes Yes Mono
Calibration Yes Yes No
Color images processing
Color reduction, Binarization, color separation, etc.
Yes Yes No
Selecting raster data
By picking (with automatic definition of object type); within window or polygon. Yes Yes Mono
Object methods - by crossing rectangle, polygon or fence, etc. Yes Yes No
Raster symbols selection (on monochrome images). Yes Yes No
Editable raster objects. Yes Yes No
Raster Snap Yes Yes Yes
Interactive vectorization (tracing)
Tracing raster polylines, Auto detect the direction of polyline tracing. Yes Yes Yes
Tracing raster lines, arcs, circles, polylines, outlines, hatches. Yes Yes No
Tracing symbols (on monochrome images). Yes Yes No
Automatic vectorization Yes No No
Text recognition Yes No No
, RasterexSoftware,Rasterex Software
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