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  • AutoCAD Automation Tools
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AutoCAD Automation Tools
  • AutoCAD Automation Tools
  • AutoCAD Automation Tools

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AutoCAD Automation Tools

Multiple drawings can be automatically created from a typical drawing or updated based on a control file that can be created with an Excel template.

동일계열 제품

  • AutoCAD Automation Tools



Multiple drawings can be automatically created from a typical drawing or updated based on a control file that can be created with an Excel template. Make the changes in Excel and let the program do all the work for you. This is a real time saver if you need to make adjustments on hundreds or thousands of drawings.

Optionally an AutoLISP file (*.lsp;*.vlx;*.fas) can be loaded for each drawing. Each drawing can use a separate AutoLISP file if needed. This gives you almost unlimited flexibility when it comes to what task you want to automate.

Example of usages: Add a stamp block; insert a title blog; update text in the title block; insert text, block or xref; change text or attribute values and more. Change all external references (xrefs) from absolute paths to relative paths for archive purpose. Find and replace attribute or text values.

If you have an idea of what you want to automate but don't know how to realize it, contact us for a solution.


AutoGen creates new drawings based on one or more template drawings based on the control file. In the process text, mtext and block attribute values can be changed individually on each new drawing.

It is possible to change only a part of the text string. If the template drawing contain the text "SHEET #sheetno#" it can be updated to for example "SHEET 1" by specifying #sheetno# as the text to change.

Depending on your computer performance and the complexity of the drawing you can generate around 100 drawings in just 60 seconds.

AutoGen Excel template


AutoIns inserts text, blocks or xrefs into drawings based on the control file.

These are the properties that can be set using the control file.

Object Property
General Layer
General Color
General Rotation
General Insertion point X
General Insertion point Y
General Insertion point Z
General Layout
General UCS (Current, World, Named)
Block/Xref Path+Name
Block/Xref Scale X
Block/Xref Scale Y
Block/Xref Scale Z
Block Explode (Yes/No)
Xref Reference type (Attach/Overlay)
Xref Path type (Full/Relative/No)
Text Style
Text Justify
Text Height
Text Width factor
Text Obliquing

In case you want to insert for example a circle or more complex geometry you can make a block of it and the insert it with the Explode property set to Yes.

AutoIns Excel template


AutoUpdate updates existing drawings based on the control file.
In the process text and attribute values can be changed individually on each new drawing.

It is possible to change both the whole text string or only a part of the text string. If the template drawing contain the text "SHEET #sheetno#" it can be updated to for example "SHEET 1" by specifying #sheetno# as the text to change.

AutoUpd Excel template

Example on how to search and replace attribute values or text.

Customer testimonials

"I am very happy with this product."

One user had "4700 drawings to update" with different titleblocks and was able to do it quickly with AutoCAD Automation Tools.


Trial version available for dowload:

AutoCADAutomationToolsTrial.zip (1.38MB). for AutoCAD
Extract to C:\ and the folder C:\AutoCAD Automation Tools will be created with all files.

CADAutomationToolsTrial.zip (1.46MB). for Bricscad 10 or later
Extract to C:\ and the folder C:\CAD Automation Tools will be created with all files.

Full support is provided during trial period.

Customers can contact us directly for access to download the full version.

System requirements

AutoCAD 2000 or later or verticals based on AutoCAD, Bricscad 10.
Tested on AutoCAD 2004 up to AutoCAD 2011 and Bricscad 10.

All verticals or flavors based on AutoCAD should be working like AutoCAD Architecture (ACA), Architectural Desktop (ADT), AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Electrical , AutoCAD Map 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD MEP (AMEP, ABS), AutoCAD P&ID.

Compatible with those operating systems AutoCAD runs on like Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.


AutoCADAutomationTools,AutoCAD,Automation,Tools, JTBWorld.
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